






The symposium GIS Ostrava 2012 follows one main topic – Surface models for geosciences.

Surface models are frequently used for many applications in geosciences. Models with different scales, various data sources, alternative construction approaches and representations are searched to best fit for the given purpose. The common focus is a model quality adequate to satisfy our needs and efficiency requirements. The controlled quality is essential to manage uncertainty in our processing and decision making. Extensive field studies and research have been conducted to address these issues. The aim of the conference is to present and discuss new methods, issues and challenges encountered in all parts of a complex process of gradual development and utilization of digital surface models. The process covers data capture, storage, model creation, validation, manipulation, visualization and utilization. Each phase requires adequate methods and contains issues which may substantially decrease the value of the model. Surface models play important roles in wide spectrum of domains. The conference provides a platform to discuss also requirements, features and research approaches for virtual reality, 3D object modeling, continuous field modeling and other geoscience applications.


The history of prior years of the conference GIS…Ostrava is available here.